• The Editorial Board has adopted a double-blind peer review. The editors of the journal keep personal data of authors and reviewers confidential.

  • The authors send manuscripts of papers (hereafter – manuscript) prepared in accordance with the requirements. The requirements for the preparation of manuscripts are available in the journal and on the journal's website.

  • The review form
  • The manuscript received by the Editorial Board is registered in the Registration Book for Manuscripts of Papers received by the Editorial Board of the Journal (hereafter – registration book). By decision of the editor-in-chief or the person authorized by him, the reviewer (specialist in the field of knowledge, who has no conflict of interest) is determined. The surname of the reviewer, as well as the date the manuscript was sent for review, is added in the registration book.

  • Reviewers are informed that the manuscripts sent to them are the intellectual property of the author(s) and are not a subject to disclosure or use.

  • The review is carried out confidentially. The author of the reviewed work has the right to read the text of the review. The author can be provided with the name of the reviewer only with the consent of the reviewer.

  • The reviewer submits a review in the form proposed by the Editorial Board. The text of the review is submitted to the editorial office in a typewritten version with a personal signature, or in an electronic form from the mail address of the reviewer.

  • If there are any remarks on the manuscript review, the manuscript is sent to the author for their elimination. After the author has corrected these remarks, the manuscript is sent to the reviewer one more time.

  • At a meeting of the Editorial Board on approval of the contents of the next issue of the journal, manuscripts that have positive reviews and are recommended by reviewers for publication are submitted.

  • If the manuscript is negatively reviewed and the author disagrees with the opinion of the reviewer, the Editorial Board can decide to send the manuscript for re-review to another reviewer. The final decision to include (not include) the manuscript in the contents of the journal is made by the Editorial Board of the journal.

  • When a manuscript is rejected, the Editorial Board notifies the author of the decision, sending him an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Editorial Board with a motivated justification.