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SOSNOVSKIY Leonid A., D. Sc. in Eng., Prof., Director S&P Group TRIBO-FATIGUE Ltd., Gomel, Republic of Belarus, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Year 2016 Issue 4 Pages 19-41
Type of article RAR Index UDK 531:536; 538.539 Index BBK  

More than 150 years in the framework of mechanics and thermodynamics developed the theory of evolution in the world. The theory of evolution, built in thermodynamics, was, according to modern concepts, unsatisfactory: it predicts the impending heat death of the universe, and so far scientists have come to realize that such will not. The general theory of mechanics till now it was not possible to develop a long evolution of systems, because it does not differ equations past and future: they operate at the same time change +t (future) on the -t (past). In Tribo-Fatigue was tasked with combining the two great competitors in order to more adequately describe some of the basic problems of the evolutionary development of the world. This problem is solved (to a first approximation, of course) under Mechanothermodynamics - a new branch of physics. Mechanothermodynamics main provisions are summarized below. This gives a number of examples of the practical use of the results of fundamental research.


thermodynamics, mechanics, tribo-fatigue, mechanothermodynamics, theory of evolution, factor analysis, phenomenoanalysis, dialectical synthesis, mechanotermodynamic, organic, inorganic systems, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research


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