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ROMANOVICH Alexander S., Director General, UPE “Niva”, Soligorsk District, Republic of Belarus

KANAPLIANIK Ivan A., Ph. D. in Eng., Deputy Director General for Technical Policy and Innovations, UPE “Niva”, Soligorsk District, Republic of Belarus, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Year 2019 Issue 4 Pages 40–47
Type of article RAR Index UDK 622.6 Index BBK  

The article presents the results of studies that showed that when monitoring the loading of the drive of the cutting body of a combine that combines vibrodiagnostics with the traditional assessment of the parameters of its functioning, its information content can be significantly increased, and the assessment of not only the state of the cutting bodies, but the actual resistance of the potash salt layer to destruction, which allows for the selection of the most rational, in terms of ensuring the highest performance, geometry and properties of the cutters, as well as a technically and economically reasonable choice of the range of variation of the speed of the combine and forecasting its performance and the cutting body associated with this technical condition. A comprehensive monitoring methodology has been developed for the electromechanical actuator of the cutting body, taking into account the influence on the loading parameters of the cutting condition of the cutting organ and the resistance of potash ore to cutting, the implementation of which makes it possible to quickly determine the causes of increased load related to either an increase in resistance of solid to cutting or breakage of the cutters for the rapid elimination of the latter.


vibrations, gear, monitoring, loading, modes of operation, drive

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