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Konstantinov V.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department “Materials Science in Mechanical Engineering”, Mechanical and Technological Faculty, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Year 2014 Issue 2 Pages 70-73
Type of article RAR Index UDK 621.793.6 Index BBK  
Abstract The analysis of investigations, development and application of domestically produced boron containing alloys for wear-resistant protective coatings made on the base of dispersible metal discard is revealed. The examples of developed alloys and their import substitution potential are revealed in the article. It is shown, that in contemporary conditions the proper use of steel and cast-iron cuttings from engineering industry as a base material for surfacing all oys improves the efficiency of strengthening technologies.
Keywords boron containing alloys, wear-resistant hard facing, steel, cast-iron cuttings
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