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ALGIN Vladimir B., Dr. Techn. Sc., Professor, Deputy Director in Science, Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of National Academy of Sciences, Minsk, The Republic of Belarus, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Year 2016 Issue 4 Pages 5-18
Type of article RAR Index UDK 621-235.001.63 Index BBK  

The article consists of two parts covering history and modern times. The first part considers historically significant scientific ideas of the Belarus school of calculation and designing of transmissions of vehicles during the initial stage (1960 - 1985). In the field of the theory of transport and traction vehicles there are construction of mechanical models, dynamic schemes and signal graph of transmissions, reaction links consideration, formation of electronic models of vehicles dynamics without formulating of their differential equations of movement. The concept of a variation of loading modes is introduced. The way of its representation through a curve of distribution of running factor is developed for use in practical calculations. The data on the USSR first standards devoted to calculation of machinery components are shown. The issues of analysis, synthesis, designing and tests of transmissions, including the original decisions protected by copyright certificates of the USSR, are described. The approaches to an estimation of reliability of transmission and its weight designing are presented.


vehicle, transmission, calculation, designing, the Belarus school, initial stage


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